In the sculpture studio of Arson
French sculptor
''My studio is a refuge where all my dreams come true. It is there that I let my imagination run wild, to come up with a world invisible to most.
I will gladly welcome you there, if you so desire''.

The development of a sculpture, from inspiration to the work of the material
The candy
When I start work in the workshop from an idea, from an irrepressible desire, I have no idea what the result will be and a fight begins between the material and me. It happens that I doubt, that I am afraid of going in the wrong direction, of not succeeding because the matter will be stronger than my will to bend it, to form it to my wish, that it will refuse itself to my desire to transform it.
Gluttony is a safe bet and sweet candy, a need to allay the anxieties that this crazy world imposes on us. Let's opt for poetry, love and gluttony with gourmet art ... Long live the sweets and the sweetness they give us.